Form follows function, form follows fiction. Timeless and sustainable, my furniture objects shape everyday life.
They authentically document the life traces of their users, precise in their workmanship and honest in their material.
Furniture object and artwork act as antagonist and agonist.
Klaus Ebbers
About: Sustainability
Patina is quality and not a flaw. Patina tells stories and brings out the shine of the authentic.
When I work with old oak boards, I free the wood from varnish and surface treatment. As an honest material, it is then ready to document the life of its users: A table becomes a reflection of its owners.
Disassembling and recycling furniture and material is out of the question. At the same time, the question: is it possible to be thinner? is not only commanded, but also ensures lightness and elegance - for me, a question of culture.
About: Colour
Painting, sculpture and furniture merge in my objects. Clarity in colour plays a major role, the order of the construction is explained at first glance.
Colour as an under- or background also ensures that the furniture objects not only look empty, but also beautiful in their use.
About: Design
Designs are created in the process, always with the possibility of change and development, allowing failure and new beginnings, without the search for a recognisable signature. My quality criteria are set: the quality of construction and materials, the economy and authenticity of materials. This is how modern, completely unfashionable things are created.
About: Furniture
I see furniture as objects.
They are placed like a picture or a sculpture. They function in all rooms and in all lifetimes, they are inherited or disassembled and reassembled.
Form follows function, form follows fiction.
Because it is also a question of sustainability and lifestyle to move furniture around and take it with you. Life is mobile.
About: Material
Material immanence is important to me, colour is not used as decoration.
I work with reddish-brown silkscreen panels, coloured linoleum or metal, lacquered or painted.
"Form follows fiction": beauty is created through the interplay of function, material efficiency and material purity.